Getting started


Zennit can be installed directly from PyPI:

$ pip install zennit

For the current development version, or to try out examples, Zennit may be alternatively cloned and installed with

$ git clone
$ pip install ./zennit

Basic Usage

Zennit implements propagation-based attribution methods by overwriting the gradient of PyTorch modules in PyTorch’s auto-differentiation engine. This means that Zennit will only work on models which are strictly implemented using PyTorch modules, including activation functions. The following demonstrates a setup to compute Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) relevance for a simple model and random data.

import torch
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, ReLU, Linear, Flatten

# setup the model and data
model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(3, 10, 3, padding=1),
    Linear(10 * 32 * 32, 10),
input = torch.randn(1, 3, 32, 32)

The most important high-level structures in Zennit are Composites, Attributors and Canonizers.


Composites map Rules to modules based on their properties and context to modify their gradient. The most common composites for LRP are implemented in zennit.composites.

The following computes LRP relevance using the EpsilonPlusFlat composite:

from zennit.composites import EpsilonPlusFlat

# create a composite instance
composite = EpsilonPlusFlat()

# use the following instead to ignore bias for the relevance
# composite = EpsilonPlusFlat(zero_params='bias')

# make sure the input requires a gradient
input.requires_grad = True

# compute the output and gradient within the composite's context
with composite.context(model) as modified_model:
    output = modified_model(input)
    # gradient/ relevance wrt. class/output 0
    # relevance is not accumulated in .grad if using torch.autograd.grad
    # relevance, = torch.autograd.grad(output, input, torch.eye(10)[[0])

# gradient is accumulated in input.grad
print('Backward:', input.grad)

The context created by zennit.core.Composite.context() registers the composite, which means that all rules are applied according to the composite’s mapping. See Using Rules, Composites, and Canonizers for information on using composites, zennit.composites for an API reference and Writing Custom Composites for writing new compositors. Available Rules can be found in zennit.rules, their use is described in Using Rules, Composites, and Canonizers and how to add new ones is described in Writing Custom Rules.


Alternatively, attributors may be used instead of composite.context.

from zennit.attribution import Gradient

attributor = Gradient(model, composite)

with attributor:
     # gradient/ relevance wrt. output/class 1
     output, relevance = attributor(input, torch.eye(10)[[1]])

print('EpsilonPlusFlat:', relevance)

Attribution methods which are not propagation-based, like zennit.attribution.SmoothGrad are implemented as attributors, and may be combined with propagation-based (composite) approaches.

from zennit.attribution import SmoothGrad

# we do not need a composite to compute vanilla SmoothGrad
with SmoothGrad(model, noise_level=0.1, n_iter=10) as attributor:
     # gradient/ relevance wrt. output/class 7
     output, relevance = attributor(input, torch.eye(10)[[7]])

print('SmoothGrad:', relevance)

More information on attributors can be found in Using Attributors and Writing Custom Attributors.


For some modules and operations, Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is not implementation-invariant, eg. BatchNorm -> Dense -> ReLU will be attributed differently than Dense -> BatchNorm -> ReLU. Therefore, LRP needs a canonical form of the model, which is implemented in Canonizers. These may be simply supplied when instantiating a composite:

from torchvision.models import vgg16
from zennit.composites import EpsilonGammaBox
from zennit.torchvision import VGGCanonizer

# instantiate the model
model = vgg16()
# create the canonizers
canonizers = [VGGCanonizer()]
# EpsilonGammaBox needs keyword arguments 'low' and 'high'
composite = EpsilonGammaBox(low=-3., high=3., canonizers=canonizers)

with Gradient(model, composite) as attributor:
     # gradient/ relevance wrt. output/class 0
     # torchvision.vgg16 has 1000 output classes by default
     output, relevance = attributor(input, torch.eye(1000)[[0]])

print('EpsilonGammaBox:', relevance)

Some pre-defined canonizers for models from torchvision can be found in zennit.torchvision. The zennit.torchvision.VGGCanonizer specifically is simply zennit.canonizers.SequentialMergeBatchNorm, which may be used when BatchNorm is used in sequential models. Note that for SequentialMergeBatchNorm to work, all functions (linear layers, activations, …) must be modules and assigned to their parent module in the order they are visited (see zennit.canonizers.SequentialMergeBatchNorm). For more information on canonizers see Using Rules, Composites, and Canonizers and Writing Custom Canonizers.

Visualizing Results

While attribution approaches are not limited to the domain of images, they are predominantly used on image models and produce heat maps of relevance. For this reason, Zennit implements methods to visualize relevance heat maps.

from zennit.image import imsave

# sum over the color channels
heatmap = relevance.sum(1)
# get the absolute maximum, to center the heat map around 0
amax = heatmap.abs().numpy().max((1, 2))

# save heat map with color map 'coldnhot'

Information on imsave can be found at zennit.image.imsave(). Saving an image with 3 color channels will result in the image being saved without a color map but with the channels assumed as RGB. The keyword argument grid will create a grid of multiple images over the batch dimension if True. Custom color maps may be created with zennit.cmap.ColorMap, eg. to save the previous image with a color map ranging from blue to yellow to red:

from zennit.cmap import ColorMap

# 00f is blue, ff0 is yellow, f00 is red, 0x80 is the center of the range
cmap = ColorMap('00f,80:ff0,f00')


More details to visualize heat maps and color maps can be found in Visualizing Results. The ColorMap specification language is described in zennit.cmap.ColorMap and built-in color maps are implemented in zennit.image.CMAPS.

Example Script

A ready-to use example to analyze a few ImageNet models provided by torchvision can be found at share/example/

The following setup requires bash, cURL and (magic-)file.

Create a virtual environment, install Zennit and download the example scripts:

$ mkdir zennit-example
$ cd zennit-example
$ python -m venv .venv
$ .venv/bin/pip install zennit
$ curl -o \
$ curl -o \

Prepare the data required for the example:

$ mkdir params data results
$ bash --output data/lighthouses
$ curl -o params/vgg16-397923af.pth ''

This creates the needed directories and downloads the pre-trained vgg16 parameters and 8 images of light houses from wikimedia commons into the required label-directory structure for the imagenet dataset in PyTorch.

The example can then be run using:

$ .venv/bin/python \
    data/lighthouses \
    'results/vgg16_epsilon_gamma_box_{sample:02d}.png' \
    --inputs 'results/vgg16_input_{sample:02d}.png' \
    --parameters params/vgg16-397923af.pth \
    --model vgg16 \
    --composite epsilon_gamma_box \
    --no-bias \
    --relevance-norm symmetric \
    --cmap coldnhot

which computes the lrp heatmaps according to the epsilon_gamma_box rule and stores them in results, along with the respective input images. Other possible composites that can be passed to --composites are, e.g., epsilon_plus, epsilon_alpha2_beta1_flat, guided_backprop, excitation_backprop. The bias can be ignored in the LRP-computation by passing --no-bias.

Alternatively, heatmaps for SmoothGrad with absolute relevances may be computed by omitting --composite and supplying --attributor:

$ .venv/bin/python \
     data/lighthouses \
     'results/vgg16_smoothgrad_{sample:02d}.png' \
     --inputs 'results/vgg16_input_{sample:02d}.png' \
     --parameters params/vgg16-397923af.pth \
     --model vgg16 \
     --attributor smoothgrad \
     --relevance-norm absolute \
     --cmap hot

For Integrated Gradients, --attributor integrads may be provided.

Heatmaps for Occlusion Analysis with unaligned relevances may be computed by executing:

$ .venv/bin/python \
     data/lighthouses \
     'results/vgg16_occlusion_{sample:02d}.png' \
     --inputs 'results/vgg16_input_{sample:02d}.png' \
     --parameters params/vgg16-397923af.pth \
     --model vgg16 \
     --attributor occlusion \
     --relevance-norm unaligned \
     --cmap hot