Computing Second Order Gradients

Sometimes, it may be necessary to compute the gradient of the attribution. One example is to compute the gradient with respect to the input in order to find adversarial explanations [Dombrowski et al., 2019], or to regularize or transform the attributions of a network [Anders et al., 2020].

In Zennit, the attribution is computed using the modified gradient, which means that in order to compute the gradient of the attribution, the second order gradient needs to be computed. Pytorch natively supports the computation of higher order gradients, simply by supplying create_graph=True with torch.autograd.grad() to declare that the backward-function needs to be backward-able itself.

Vanilla Gradient and ReLU

If we simply need the second order gradient of a model, without using Zennit, we can do the following:

import torch
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, ReLU, Linear, Flatten

# setup the model and data
model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(3, 10, 3, padding=1),
    Linear(10 * 32 * 32, 10),
input = torch.randn(1, 3, 32, 32)

# make sure the input requires a gradient
input.requires_grad = True

output = model(input)
# a vector for the vector-jacobian-product, i.e. the grad_output
target = torch.ones_like(output)

grad, = torch.autograd.grad(output, input, target, create_graph=True)

# the grad_output for grad
gradtarget = torch.ones_like(grad)
# compute the second order gradient
gradgrad, = torch.autograd.grad(grad, input, gradtarget)

Here, you might notice that gradgrad is all zeros, regardless of the input and model parameters. The culprit is ReLU, which has a gradient of zero everywhere except at zero, where it is undefined. In order to get a meaningful gradient, we could instead use a smooth activation function in our model. However, ReLU models are quite common, and we may not like to retrain every model using only smooth activation functions.

Dombrowski et al. [2019] proposed to replace the ReLU activations with its smooth variation, the Softplus function:

\[\text{Softplus}(x;\beta) = \frac{1}{\beta} \log (1 + \exp (\beta x)) \,\text{.}\]

With \(\beta\rightarrow\infty\), Softplus will be equivalent to ReLU, but in practice choosing \(\beta = 10\) is most often sufficient to keep the model output unchanged but still obtain a meaningful second order gradient.

To temporarily replace the ReLU gradients in-place, we can use the ReLUBetaSmooth rule:

from zennit.composites import BetaSmooth

# LayerMapComposite which assigns the ReLUBetaSmooth hook to ReLUs
composite = BetaSmooth(beta_smooth=10.)

with composite.context(model):
    output = model(input)
    target = torch.ones_like(output)
    grad, = torch.autograd.grad(output, input, target, create_graph=True)

gradtarget = torch.ones_like(grad)
gradgrad, = torch.autograd.grad(grad, input, gradtarget)

Notice here that we computed the second order gradient outside of the composite context. A property of the Pytorch gradients hooks is that they are also called when the second order gradient with respect to a tensor is computed. Due to this, computing the second order gradient while rules are still registered will lead to incorrect results.

Temporarily Disabling Hooks

In order compute the second order gradient without removing the hooks (i.e. to compute multiple values in a loop), we can temporarily deactivate them using zennit.core.Composite.inactive():

with composite.context(model):
    output = model(input)
    target = torch.ones_like(output)
    grad, = torch.autograd.grad(output, input, target, create_graph=True)

    # temporarily disable all hooks registered by composite
    with composite.inactive():
        gradtarget = torch.ones_like(grad)
        gradgrad, = torch.autograd.grad(grad, input, gradtarget)

All Attributors support the computation of gradients. For gradient-based attributors like Gradient or SmoothGrad, the create_graph=True parameter can be supplied to the class constructor:

from zennit.attribution import Gradient
from zennit.composites import EpsilonGammaBox

# any composites support second order gradients
composite = EpsilonGammaBox(low=-3., high=3.)

with Gradient(model, composite, create_graph=True) as attributor:
    output, grad = attributor(input, torch.ones_like)

    # temporarily disable all hooks registered by the attributor's composite
    with attributor.inactive():
        gradtarget = torch.ones_like(grad)
        gradgrad, = torch.autograd.grad(grad, input, gradtarget)

Here, we also used a different composite, which results in the gradient computation of the modified gradient. Since the ReLU gradient is ignored (using the Pass rule) for Layer-wise Relevance Propagation-specific composites, we do not need to use the ReLUBetaSmooth rule. However, if this behaviour should be overwritten, Cooperative LayerMapComposites can be used.

Using Hooks Only

Under the hood, Hook has an attribute active, which, when set to False, will not execute the associated backward function. A minimal example without using composites would look like the following:

from zennit.rules import Epsilon

conv = Conv2d(3, 10, 3, padding=1)

# create and register the hook
epsilon = Epsilon()
handles = epsilon.register(conv)

output = conv(input)
target = torch.ones_like(output)
grad, = torch.autograd.grad(output, input, target, create_graph=True)

# during this block, epsilon will be inactive = False
grad_target = torch.ones_like(grad)
gradgrad, = torch.autograd.grad(grad, input, grad_target) = True

# after calling handles.remove, epsilon will also be inactive

The same can here also be achieved by simply removing the handles before calling torch.autograd.grad on grad, although the hooks would then need to be re-registered in order to compute the epsilon-modified gradient again.