Getting Intermediate Relevance

In some cases, intermediate gradients or relevances of a model may be needed. Since Zennit uses Pytorch’s autograd engine, intermediate relevances can be retained simply as the intermediate gradients of accessible non-leaf tensors in the tensor’s .grad attribute by calling tensor.retain_grad() before the gradient computation.

In most cases when using torch.nn.Module-based models, the intermediate outputs are not easily accessible, which we can solve by using forward-hooks.

We create following setting with some random input data and a simple, randomly initialized model, for which we want to compute the LRP EpsilonPlus relevance:

import torch
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, ReLU, Linear, Flatten

from zennit.attribution import Gradient
from zennit.composites import EpsilonPlusFlat

# setup the model and data
model = Sequential(
    Conv2d(3, 10, 3, padding=1),
    Linear(10 * 32 * 32, 10),
input = torch.randn(1, 3, 32, 32)

# make sure the input requires a gradient
input.requires_grad = True

# create a composite instance
composite = EpsilonPlusFlat()

# create a gradient attributor
attributor = Gradient(model, composite)

Now we create a function store_hook which we register as a forward hook to all modules. The function sets the module’s attribute .output to its output tensor, and ensures the gradient is stored in the tensor’s .grad attribute even if it is not a leaf-tensor by using .retain_grad().

# create a hook to keep track of intermediate outputs
def store_hook(module, input, output):
    # set the current module's attribute 'output' to the its tensor
    module.output = output
    # keep the output tensor gradient, even if it is not a leaf-tensor

# enter the attributor's context to register the rule-hooks
with attributor:
    # register the store_hook AFTER the rule-hooks have been registered (by
    # entering the context) so we get the last output before the next module
    handles = [
        module.register_forward_hook(store_hook) for module in model.modules()
    # compute the relevance wrt. output/class 1
    output, relevance = attributor(input, torch.eye(10)[[1]])

# remove the hooks using store_hook
for handle in handles:

# print the gradient tensors for demonstration
for name, module in model.named_modules():
    print(f'{name}: {module.output.grad}')

The hooks are registered within the attributor’s with-context, such that they are applied after the rule hooks. Once we are finished, we can remove the store-hooks by calling .remove() on all handles returned when registering the hooks.

Be aware that storing the intermediate outputs and their gradients may require significantly more memory, depending on the model. In practice, it may be better to register the store-hook only to modules for which the relevance is needed.